Material minded Design


During the accelerator ‘design to market’ 304 NOMAD nightlight was designed by Nick Beens Studio serving as an example for the metal and powder coating industries to show new applications in design.

Material minded Design
The aim for Nick Beens Studio is to provide open-minded design solutions for material companies in a technical environment. Helping them to feel proud in their specialized techniques with an inspirational tone of voice and the need to explore new niches, resulting into more possible design applications. Reaching for future niche markets will have the focus where Nick Beens Studio applies his design approach to promote and present new material applications. This will be done by using prototypes to generate content to be published on-and-offline or provide stand design for the specific material company.


Over de auteur

Nick Beens

Nick Beens Studio ontwerpt speelse, sfeervolle en kleurrijke ex/interieur ontwerpen die inspelen op de niche-markt rondom verscheidene materiaal bedrijven, suppliers en afnemers. Door het ontwikkelen van sterke visuele content en de inzet hiervan op verschillende sociale on/offline platvormen met het doel om afname van deelnemende partijen te vergroten en eerste mogelijkheid tot productie aan te kunnen bieden.

Material minded Design

Door Nick Beens
Design Academy Eindhoven
Material minded Design Starting a design process by first examine material. The aim for Nick Beens Studio is to provide open-minded design solutions for material companies in a technical environment. Helping them to present their specialized techniques with an inspirational tone of voice and the need to explore new niches.